Perturbo 3.0.0 is released!
Release of the new Perturbo version compatible with QE 7.3, including GPU support, new calculation modes, new interfaces to external packages and better testing
Generating input files
Input generation script was transfered to the Perturbopy package
Perturbo Workshop held, materials published
Thank you for your participation! The materials are published on the website.
PERTURBO is open source software to compute from first principles the scattering processes between charge carriers (electrons and holes) and phonons, defects, and photons in solid state materials, including metals, semiconductors, oxides, and insulators.

“Perturbo: a software package for ab initio electron-phonon interactions, charge transport and ultrafast dynamics”,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 264, 107970, (2021)
Note: Using subroutines or parts of the PERTURBO code, or methods taken or inspired from PERTURBO, is allowed by the GPL license. However, if you do so, note that you are leveraging PERTURBO’s code development effort. Proper scientific conduct imposes that you also cite the PERTURBO paper in all these scenarios.
We gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for supporting the development of PERTURBO.