In this section, we will describe the ultafast spectroscopy calculations with PERTURBO. We will compute separately the electron and hole dynamics (independent particle picture) and will model an optical pump pulse:
\[\frac{\partial f_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)}{\partial t} = \mathcal{I}^{e-\mathrm{ph}}[f_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)] + F^{\mathrm{pump}}_{n\mathbf{k}}(t),\]where \(f_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)\) is the time-dependent electron or hole occupation of a Bloch state with band index \(n\) and crystal momentum \(\mathbf{k},\) \(\mathcal{I}^{e-\mathrm{ph}}[f_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)]\) is the electron-phonon (e-ph) scattering integral computed from ab initio, and \(F^{\mathrm{pump}}_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)\) describes the pump pulse, accounting for the finite pulse duration and the energy broadening.
Having both electron \(f^e_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)\) and hole \(f^h_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)\) occupations as a function of time on the momentum grid, we will compute the transient absorption as a function of probe energy \(E\) and time \(t\):
\[\Delta A\big( E,t \big) \propto \sum_{nm\mathbf{k}} \big[ f^e_{n\mathbf{k}}(t) + f^h_{m\mathbf{k}}(t) \big] \times \delta(E - (\varepsilon^e_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon^h_{m\mathbf{k}})).\]In this tutorial, we will consider the GaAs direct gap system. We will use the gaas_epr.h5 file from the example04-gaas folder. The epr file can be downloaded using this this link.
will be executed.
Overview of the workflow
The computational workflow will consist of the following stages:
- run the bands calculation (
calc_mode = 'bands'
) to determine the appropriate energy windows for electrons and holes - setup the ultrafast dynamics calculations for electrons and holes (
calc_mode = 'setup'
), generate the grid HDF5 file - run the electron and hole dynamics for 1 time step to compute the e-ph coupling elements and generate one time snapshot for carriers
- generate the pump pulse HDF5 file with Perturbopy
- run the ultafast dynamics simulation for 500 fs
- postprocess simulation with Perturbopy: compute and plot transient absorption
Bands calculation
Here, we perform a typical bands
calculation in GaAs. Details about this calculation mode of PERTURBO can be found here.
This calculation will be run in the bands folder:
mkdir bands
In the bands folder, we link the gaas_epr.h5 file; setup a gaas_band.kpt file:
0.500 0.500 0.500 50 !L
0.000 0.000 0.000 50 !G
0.500 0.000 0.500 20 !X
0.500 0.250 0.750 20 !W
0.375 0.375 0.750 50 !K
0.000 0.000 0.000 1 !G
prefix = 'gaas'
calc_mode = 'bands'
fklist = 'gaas_band.kpt'
and run perturbo.x
We then postprocess the bands calculation with a simple Perturbopy script (named in the bands folder):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import perturbopy.postproc as ppy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
gaas_bands = ppy.Bands.from_yaml('gaas_bands.yml')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
labels_dict = {'L': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'G': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'X': [0.5, 0.0, 0.5], 'W': [0.5, 0.25, 0.75], 'K': [0.375, 0.375, 0.75], 'G': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}
gaas_bands.plot_bands(ax, show_kpoint_labels=True)#, energy_window=[0,12])
emin_holes, emax_holes = 5.05, 5.3
emin_electrons, emax_electrons = 5.9, 6.7
xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
ax.fill_between([xmin, xmax], [emin_holes, emin_holes],
[emax_holes, emax_holes], color='blue', alpha=0.2)
ax.fill_between([xmin, xmax], [emin_electrons, emin_electrons],
[emax_electrons, emax_electrons], color='red', alpha=0.2)
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
Here, we initialize the gaas_bands
Perturbopy object from the YAML output file from PERTURBO, setup the k-point labels, and plot bands. The selected electron and hole energy windows are highlighted with red and blue shaded regions. More about the bands
postprocessing can be found on the Perturbpy website.
Energy windows for electron and hole bands depend on the pump energy of the optical excitations: the higher the energy, the larger the energy windows should be.
Setup the electron and hole grids
Here, we will set up the \(\mathbf{k}\)- and \(\mathbf{q}\)-grids for further electron and hole dynamics, using the calc_mode = 'setup'
, more about this calculation mode can be found here.
) must be the same for both calculations. The energy windows and \(\mathbf{q}\)-grids can be different for electons and holes (the \(\mathbf{q}\)-grids must be commensurate with the \(\mathbf{k}\)-grids).We will perform the separate electron and hole simulations in the cdyna-elec and cdyna-hole:
mkdir cdyna-elec
mkdir cdyna-hole
Link the epr file to both electron and hole directories:
ln -s <path to gaas_epr.h5>/gaas_epr.h5 cdyna-elec
ln -s <path to gaas_epr.h5>/gaas_epr.h5 cdyna-hole
First, for electrons (in the cdyna-elec folder), we create a file (one can generate it using the interactive workflow).
! ***Mandatory parameters***
calc_mode = 'setup'
prefix = 'gaas'
boltz_kdim(1) = 120
boltz_kdim(2) = 120
boltz_kdim(3) = 120
ftemper = 'gaas.temper'
! ***Optional parameters***
band_min = 5
band_max = 5
boltz_emin = 5.9 ! eV
boltz_emax = 6.7 ! eV
find_efermi = .true.
hole = .false.
The top of the energy is chosen from the bands
calculation mode. The bottom of the window is in the gap. We choose the first conduction band, with index 5. For the transient absorption calculations, the dense grid is particularly important. Here we use a quite dense grid of 120x120x120. However, for the converged calculations, even denser grids are required.
We then setup the gaas.temper file:
300.00 6.0456674805 0.1012649E+18
We then do similar calculations for holes (see the cdyna-hole folder for reference), where we select the corresponding energy window, select all the valence bands within the energy window (2-4), and set hole = .true.
Dynamics initialization run
Now, we will run the electron and hole dynamics only for one step to generate the electron-phonon coupling elements (in the dyna-elec/tmp and dyna-hole/tmp folders), and to generate the gaas_cdyna.h5 files that will be later used by Perturbopy to generate the pump pulse excitation data.
For electrons, we create a cdyna-elec/ input file:
prefix = 'gaas'
calc_mode = 'dynamics-run'
yaml_fname = 'gaas_dyna_init.yml'
! grids
boltz_kdim(1) = 120
boltz_kdim(2) = 120
boltz_kdim(3) = 120
boltz_qdim(1) = 40
boltz_qdim(2) = 40
boltz_qdim(3) = 40
! band- and energy- windows
boltz_emin = 5.9 ! eV
boltz_emax = 6.7 ! eV
band_min = 5
band_max = 5
! carrier dynamics
time_step = 1 ! femto-second
boltz_nstep = 1
output_nstep = 1
solver = 'euler' ! default is Euler
! initial excitation (is irrelevant since it will be modified later)
boltz_init_dist = 'gaussian'
boltz_init_e0 = 6.4 ! eV
boltz_init_smear = 40 ! meV
boltz_init_ampl = 0
boltz_de = 1
ftemper = 'gaas.temper'
tmp_dir = "./tmp"
load_scatter_eph = .false.
!phonon energy cutoff
phfreq_cutoff = 1 ! meV
!smear parameter for delta function
delta_smear = 8 ! meV
The input file is typical for calc_mode = 'dynamics-run'
(see here). However, we pay special attention to the following parameters:
- time_step: the time step is set to 1 fs and will be consistently used for all the dynamics calculations for electrons and holes
- boltz_nstep: here, we run the dynamics only for one step
- boltz_emin, boltz_emax, band_min, band_max: we use the same bands parameters as in the
calc_mode = 'setup'
for electrons - boltz_init_ampl: currently, we are not interested in the carrier initial state, therefore, we set the zero amplitude for excitation with
boltz_init_ampl = 0
- load_scatter_eph: we will compute the e-ph coupling elements. Therefore, we set this parameter to
- boltz_qdim: for this tutorial, we use an unconverged grid for phonons, 40x40x40. The \(\mathbf{q}\)-grid is commensurate with the \(\mathbf{k}\)-grid
- delta_smear: the Gaussian smearing parameters should be cross-converged with the momenta grid convergence
For holes, see a similar file, in the cdyna-hole folder.
We then run perturbo.x
for both electrons and holes (indicating -i
). This is a relatively expensive calculation. Therefore, using HPC resources is recommended. The number of MPI tasks used for this calculation must be kept the same for the following dynamics runs.
The calculation for holes is more expensive because of the three bands near the valence band maximum. Therefore, we are particularly cautious about the energy window for holes.
Generation of the pump pulse
Once we computed one step of the real-time dynamics, we have all the necessary components to generate the additional occupations due to a pump pulse, \(F^{\mathrm{pump}}_{n\mathbf{k}}(t)\). We use Perturbopy utils.spectra_generate_pulse.setup_pump_pulse
function to generate the pulse, (see the file in the example10-spectroscopy folder):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import perturbopy.postproc as ppy
prefix = 'gaas'
# Define electron paths and DynaRun object
cdyna_elec_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_cdyna.h5'
elec_tet_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_tet.h5'
elec_yaml_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_dyna_init.yml'
elec_dyna_run = ppy.DynaRun.from_hdf5_yaml(cdyna_elec_path, elec_tet_path, elec_yaml_path)
# Define hole paths and DynaRun object
cdyna_hole_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_cdyna.h5'
hole_tet_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_tet.h5'
hole_yaml_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_dyna_init.yml'
hole_dyna_run = ppy.DynaRun.from_hdf5_yaml(cdyna_hole_path, hole_tet_path, hole_yaml_path)
# Print DynaRun info
# Generate the pump pulse HDF5 files in the
# elec_pump_pulse_path and hole_pump_pulse_path folders
pump_energy = 1.5
elec_pump_pulse_path = f'cdyna-elec/pump_pulse_elec_Epump_{pump_energy:05.2f}.h5'
hole_pump_pulse_path = f'cdyna-hole/pump_pulse_hole_Epump_{pump_energy:05.2f}.h5'
In this script, we specify the paths to the prefix_cdyna.h5, prefix_tet.h5, prefix_dyna_init.yml files for both electrons and holes. The pulse files will be written to the cdyna-elec/pump_pulse_elec_Epump_01.50.h5 and cdyna-hole/pump_pulse_hole_Epump_01.50.h5 HDF5 files.
Here are the parameters for the setup_pump_pulse()
Perturbopy function:
: Path to the HDF5 file for the pump pulse excitation for electrons that will be created.hole_pump_pulse_path
: Path to the HDF5 file for the pump pulse excitation for holeselec_dyna_run
: TheDynaRun
object for electrons from the HDF5 and YAML fileshole_dyna_run
: TheDynaRun
object for holes from the HDF5 and YAML filespump_energy
: Energy of the pump pulse in eVpump_time_step
: Time step in fs for the pump pulse generation. This must match the time step used in the PERTURBO dynamics runpump_fwhm
: Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the pump pulse in fspump_energy_broadening
: Energy broadening of the pump pulse in eVpump_time_window
: Time window for the pump pulse in fs. Determines the duration of the pump pulse activityfinite_width
: IfTrue
, the pulse is finite in time. IfFalse
, the pulse is a step functionanimate
: IfTrue
, creates animation of the pump pulse.
After running this script, it generates the pump pulse HDF5 files and generates the pump pulse animation:
Ultrafast dynamics simulation with the pump pulse
Once we have the pump pulse HDF5 files generated, we are ready to run a long ultrafast dynamics. We run the dynamics separately for electrons and holes with the calc_mode = 'dynamics-run'
PERTURBO calculation. We create input files in both cdyna-elec and cdyna-hole folders.
For electrons, the input file is as follows:
prefix = 'gaas'
calc_mode = 'dynamics-run'
boltz_kdim(1) = 120
boltz_kdim(2) = 120
boltz_kdim(3) = 120
boltz_qdim(1) = 40
boltz_qdim(2) = 40
boltz_qdim(3) = 40
! band- and energy- windows
boltz_emin = 5.9 ! eV
boltz_emax = 6.7 ! eV
band_min = 5
band_max = 5
! carrier dynamics
time_step = 1 ! femto-second
boltz_nstep = 500
output_nstep = 10
solver = 'euler' ! default is Euler
! initial excitation (is irrelevant since it will be modified later)
boltz_init_dist = 'gaussian'
boltz_init_e0 = 6.4 ! eV
boltz_init_smear = 40 ! meV
boltz_init_ampl = 0
! pump pulse
pump_pulse = .true.
pump_pulse_fname = 'pump_pulse_elec_Epump_01.50.h5'
boltz_de = 1
ftemper = 'gaas.temper'
tmp_dir = "./tmp"
load_scatter_eph = .true.
!phonon energy cutoff
phfreq_cutoff = 1 ! meV
!smear parameter for delta function
delta_smear = 8 ! meV
Here we outline the important parameters of the input file:
- time_step: we consistently use 1 fs time step for the dynamics for electrons and holes
- boltz_nstep: we will run dynamics for 500 steps
- output_nstep: we output every 10th step of the simulation to reduce the prefix_cdyna.h5 file sizes. It is recommended to keep all of the snapshots for better temporal resolution, if storage allows.
- boltz_init_ampl: we keep the zero-amplitude Gaussian excitation, as the actual excitation will be read from the pump pulse
- pump_pulse: we set this parameter to
for the pump pulse excitation - pump_pulse_fname: we specify the name for the HDF5 pump pulse file previously generated with Perturbopy
- load_scatter_eph: we load the precomputed el-ph scattering elements
For holes, see the hole input file in the cdyna-hole folder. After running perturbo.x -i
(using the MPI parallelization if it was used for the dynamics initialization run with, we obtain the YAML (gaas_dyanmics-run.yml) and HDF5 (gaas_cdyna.h5) files that will be used for the postprocessing.
Computing and ploting the transient absorption spectra
Computing transient absorption
At this final step, we will use Perturbopy to compute and plot transient absorption maps.
We compute the transient absorption with the .spectra_trans_abs.compute_trans_abs()
function from Perturbopy (see the file in the example10 folder):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import perturbopy.postproc as ppy
prefix = 'gaas'
# Define electron paths and DynaRun object
cdyna_elec_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_cdyna.h5'
elec_tet_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_tet.h5'
elec_yaml_path = f'cdyna-elec/{prefix}_dynamics-run.yml'
elec_dyna_run = ppy.DynaRun.from_hdf5_yaml(cdyna_elec_path, elec_tet_path, elec_yaml_path)
# Define hole paths and DynaRun object
cdyna_hole_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_cdyna.h5'
hole_tet_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_tet.h5'
hole_yaml_path = f'cdyna-hole/{prefix}_dynamics-run.yml'
hole_dyna_run = ppy.DynaRun.from_hdf5_yaml(cdyna_hole_path, hole_tet_path, hole_yaml_path)
# Print DynaRun info
# Print the PumpPulse info
ppy.utils.spectra_trans_abs.compute_trans_abs(elec_dyna_run, hole_dyna_run)
The function compute_trans_abs()
requires as input only the electron and hole DynaRun
objects, defined in the script as elec_dyna_run
and hole_dyna_run
. Once the run is complete, the script generates several numpy binary files:
- trans_abs_dA_Epump_1.500.npy: total transient absorption, 2D array with energy grid index as the first axis and time grid index as the second axis
- trans_abs_dA_elec_Epump_1.500.npy: electron contribution to the transient absorption spectrum
- trans_abs_dA_hole_Epump_1.500.npy: hole contribution to the transient absorption spectrum
- trans_abs_T_Epump_1.500.npy: time grid array
- trans_abs_E_Epump_1.500.npy: energy grid array
The suffix 1.500
in the filenames is the pump energy in eV.
Plotting transient absorption
Having the above-mentioned .npy files, we are ready for the final step of the tutorial: plotting the transient absorption. It can be done with a few lines of Python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import perturbopy.postproc as ppy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pump_energy = 1.5
# Load the numpy binary files
dA_elec = 'trans_abs_dA_elec_Epump_1.500.npy'
dA_hole = 'trans_abs_dA_hole_Epump_1.500.npy'
time_grid = 'trans_abs_T_Epump_1.500.npy'
energy_grid = 'trans_abs_E_Epump_1.500.npy'
dA_elec = np.load('trans_abs_dA_elec_Epump_1.500.npy')
dA_hole = np.load('trans_abs_dA_hole_Epump_1.500.npy')
time_grid = np.load('trans_abs_T_Epump_1.500.npy')
energy_grid = np.load('trans_abs_E_Epump_1.500.npy')
# Plot the total transient absorption
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.88, top=0.9, bottom=0.12)
ppy.utils.spectra_plots.plot_trans_abs_map(ax, time_grid, energy_grid, dA_elec+dA_hole, vmin=-2.5, vmax=0.0)
ax.set_title(f'Transient absorption in GaAs, Epump={pump_energy:.1f} eV')
The script produces the following plot:
One can run the plot_trans_abs_map()
function with the dA_elec
or dA_hole
arrays to plot the electron and hole contributions to the spectrum. See the file in the example.